Welcome to AAF&G

The Anne Arundel Fish and Game Conservation Association (AAF&G) is a shooting sports club located in Annapolis, Maryland.

The club facilities include a covered 24-position precision pistol (a.k.a. “bullseye”) range, a set of action pistol bays, a casual plinking range, a covered 6-position 100-yard rifle range, a covered 12-position 50-yard small bore (rimfire) rifle range, several trap fields, and an archery range.

As a private membership club, the ranges are open only to members and their guests, but AAF&G hosts various shooting competitions, courses in firearms safety, and other opportunities in which non-members may participate.

If you are not a member of AAF&G yet, welcome! Prospective members can learn more about the membership requirements and application process on the Membership page. Our Calendar page will also show you how to find events open to the public, so you have a chance to come down to the Club and meet some current members.

Join NRA or renew your membership through AAF&G and save up to $25!
Join NRA or renew your membership through AAF&G and save up to $25!