
All scheduled AAF&G events can be found through the calendar. You can use the “Categories” selectors to narrow down to specific ranges or facilities. You can use the “Tags” selectors to find specific types of events. For example, selecting the tag sanctioned will show all the upcoming sanctioned weekends at the Club.

A printable version of the calendar is also available.

Public Events

For non-Members, the public tag identifies any events that are open to the public. In the toolbar above the calendar, click on “Tags” then select public from the Tags menu.

These events may require pre-registration, so check the event details or contact the event co-ordinator for more information.

Calendar Reservations

AAFG Committee Chairs and other Members may reserve Club facilities for their events. First, please view the Calendar with the appropriate Category selected (clubhouse or specific range, such as precision-pistol) to check the availability. Then e-mail your request to calendar(at)aafg(dot)org if the desired date/time is available.

Shotgun/Throwing/High Power Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range
May 7 – May 8 all-day
Shotgun/Throwing/High Power Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range

The Shotgun Range, to include the Axe and Knife Throwing Board, will be closed on 7–8 May (Sunday—Monday) for repairs to the “King Kong” wall and replacement of shot curtains.

The road to the High Power range will also be closed to vehicles at this time.  It may be possible for foot traffic to pass from the main parking lot down to High Power, but that will be at the discretion of Buildings and Grounds as they work on the walls.

Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range
May 11 – May 13 all-day
Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range

The Plinking Range will be closed for repair work to the berm and walls.  The range will be closed on 11–13 May (Thursday–Saturday), reopening for the weekend at the conclusion of the Action Pistol match on the 13th (approximately 1:30PM).  The range will close again 15–19 May (Monday–Friday).  If additional work is needed, it will resume on Monday the 22nd, allowing the Plinking Range to be used for the scheduled Sanctioned Weekend.

Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range
May 15 – May 19 all-day
Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range

The Plinking Range will be closed for repair work to the berm and walls.  The range will be closed on 11–13 May (Thursday–Saturday), reopening for the weekend at the conclusion of the Action Pistol match on the 13th (approximately 1:30PM).  The range will close again 15–19 May (Monday–Friday).  If additional work is needed, it will resume on Monday the 22nd, allowing the Plinking Range to be used for the scheduled Sanctioned Weekend.

Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range
May 22 – May 23 all-day
Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range

The Plinking Range will be closed for repair work to the berm and walls.  The range will be closed on 11–13 May (Thursday–Saturday), reopening for the weekend at the conclusion of the Action Pistol match on the 13th (approximately 1:30PM).  The range will close again 15–19 May (Monday–Friday) and 22–23 May (Monday—Tuesday).  The Plinking Range is expected to be open for the scheduled Sanctioned Weekend.

High Power Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range
Sep 7 – Sep 9 all-day
High Power Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range

The High Power Range will be closed to the public from 9AM on Thursday, 7 September, until sundown on Saturday, 9 September.  The range will be open for normal use on Sunday, 10 September (Sanctioned Weekend).

Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range
Sep 7 – Sep 9 all-day
Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range

The Plinking Range will be closed to the public from 9AM on Thursday, 7 September, until sundown on Saturday, 9 September.  The range will be open for normal use on Sunday, 10 September (Sanctioned Weekend).

Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range
Sep 18 – Sep 19 all-day
Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range

The Plinking Range will be closed on Monday–Tuesday 18–19 September.

Club Closed for Paving @ AAF&G
May 13 – May 14 all-day
Club Closed for Paving @ AAF&G

The entire club will be closed for paving of the main driveway and parking lot.  No vehicles will be allowed onto the property during this time.

High Power Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range
Sep 12 – Sep 14 all-day
High Power Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range

The High Power Range will be closed to the public from 4PM on Wednesday, 11 September, until sundown on Saturday, 14 September.  The range will be open for normal use on Sunday, 15 September (Sanctioned Weekend).

Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range
Sep 12 – Sep 14 all-day
Plinking Range Closure @ AAF&G Plinking Range

The Plinking Range will be closed to the public from 4PM on Wednesday, 11 September, until sundown on Saturday, 14 September.  The range will be open for normal use on Sunday, 15 September (Sanctioned Weekend).